El vuelo se retraso 6 horas y yo me sentá desvelada, pero aun asi lo disfruté.
I´m so bad on packing and in the end I never take what I really need, plus I just had 1 hour for packing. Anyway,. the first day was very windy and cold.
The flight was delayed 6 hours and I felt very tired, but I still enjoyed myself.
Me costo 1 hora decidirme por el color había negros, grises, cafes, me los probe todos =)
It took me one hour to decide which colour I was going to choose, there was grey, black, brown and all of them looked nice :)
Y éste abrigo que es muy calientito de el corte fiel, aunque claro no se me ve igual jijiji.
And this coat is very warm from El corte fiel, but of course it doesn't look the same on me.
Publicado por Laura
2 comentarios:
me gustan los zapatoss!besossss!!
que lindos zapatooosss!!! gracias por sus comments en mi blog, espero seguir viendolas por ahi, yo de seguro seguire leyendolas, un beso!
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